Welcome to K3D!

Our company specializes in Building Automation with primary focus on Heating Management and Heating Optimization. We bring industrial automation technology to the Multi-Unit Residential Buildings (MURB) sector.

K3D has developed a unique technology called Heat Management System (HMS) which reduces electrical and gas heating costs for multi-unit apartment buildings with a proven track record of 30%-40% savings in an average building, and in some cases – 60-64%.

Independent engineering studies show heating efficiency approaching 100% on a building equipped with our Heat Management System. This means buildings equipped with HMS do not waste energy and reach maximum savings on heating.

We solve a problem of wasted heating caused by open windows in winter and shoulder months. With our Heat Management System installed in a building you will no longer see windows and balcony doors open during the heating season. To maximize energy savings, our technology controls temperature inside individual units and accounts for all heat sources inside, while limiting heating output to match heating needs.

Save Up to 64% of heating costs with our Heat Management System

Calculate Your Potential Savings with our Heat Management System

Learn How HMS Can Improve Your Building Performance

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